
Securing Firearms: Who Should Not Be Given Access and How To Prevent Them From Gaining Access

The extremity of firearm security should not be taken lightly. With ownership of a gun comes great responsibility. Many people don’t understand the amount of responsibility for them when they make the purchase. They think “I’ll keep it locked up during the day, and make sure I have it hidden when kids are in the house.” Those who have had their guns stolen brush it off saying “I’ll secure it better next time.” They write it off and think they can buy a better box for their next one. I’d like to challenge that perspective, because these kinds of mindsets are why proper precautions aren’t taken to begin with. Too many individuals do not put enough thought into security before making the decision to become a gun owner. If you own a gun you must know every reason why securing your gun properly is important.


Ponder this idea; even if the person who steals your gun only intends to make a pretty penny, there is cycle that has won a spin as soon as it makes the market. If your gun is sold, eventually it could make it into the hands of someone whose intentions are less than humane. Keep in mind as well that the gun is registered to you. You don’t want your purchase to be the reason a neighbor was shot or a kid took their life. The burden in that sentence is heavy because it needs to be.


Who should not have access?


Children, first and foremost. A child is not able to understand the danger of a weapon and should have no access to a firearm. I understand taking your children out to learn gun safety and how to shoot a gun (under supervision). Under no condition though should a child be trusted to handle a gun in any other circumstance. There are too many accidents that happen through the curiosity of a child.


Teens and young adults should not have access either. There are far too many hormones and emotions running through that age group, and not enough stability to give their lives into their own hands. There are suicides every year because parents “trusted” their child enough to keep their firearms unsecured.


Mentally ill people should also be without access. Anyone who is not able to understand gun safety and all that it means should not be given a chance with your guns. Your firearms should stay out of sight and locked up where access is extremely hard to obtain.


How do I secure my gun properly?


Keeping your firearms locked up is the first step. Some tend to think a small or medium size lock box is enough. It’s not. Here’s why:

  • Lockboxes are not too heavy to carry, so someone can remove it from your home and take the time necessary to open it.
  • They give a false presentation of security, but are more for looks than anything else. Most of them are easy to break into with a hammer or screwdriver.
  • Cheap boxes are usually made from a hard plastic, which does virtually nothing when greeted by a hammer or heavy rock.


The two most important things to consider when purchasing a gun safe:


First, your safe should have either a combination lock or a smart lock. Do not purchase a safe that is mainly accessed using a key. A safe that can alternatively be accessed with a key is fine, as long as the key is left with someone you trust and is not inside your home (at least not where it can be found).


Second, your safe should be secured to something sturdy. Don’t have it secured to wooden panels, boards or plywood flooring. If you are unsure how to do this, have a professional come to your house and do it for you. This will keep you safe from being removed.


“If you were able to get your safe inside the house on your own, someone else can get it out. Make sure it can’t be picked up or wheeled out.” -Locksmith Plus, Inc.


Additional concerns to address:


  • Do not keep a gun on by your bedside. Not only have people shot themselves while they were dreaming, but they’ve also shot others when being jolted awake. Also, if someone breaks into your home and they see your gun first, they will have an upper hand they never needed. Keep your guns out of sight.
  • Firearm safes should not be hard to access by those who have the ability to unlock them. Safes are not meant to be a hindrance in keeping individuals and families secure from harm. A fingerprint or hand detection safe is a great option if timing is a concern for you. Some safes have key code access which is another effective option. There are plenty of choices out there that will provide simple access, and stern security at the same time. Do the research and find the safe that is best for your needs.
  • There are two different types of safes to keep in mind when making a purchase. First, is a safe that is for long storage, and the second is for short storage. If you need ready access to your gun or guns, make sure you by a short term storage safe.

If you ever need firearm security consultation, give one of our professional locksmiths a call.

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