Securing your backyard is a big deal, especially when you consider the furniture you may have, bikes, the tools you use to maintain your yard, fire pits, gazebos, and the overall safety of your household. Yards are appealing to thieves because they usually lack good security. Some think they would rather a thief rummage through their backyard, as long as they don’t come into the house. However, It’s more common for a burglar to enter through the back of a house than it is for them to enter through the front. Here are some forms of security for you to consider.
This kind of system is meant to deter thieves by exposing them. Burglars don’t want to be seen. Installing lights at the entrances of your yard and around your valuables will let you know that someone has trespassed onto your property, and will likely scare off the intruder.
Pick your fence wisely:
Wooden fences may look pretty, but they are not recommended. They give a thief the upper hand because they provide a cover. You want your yard to be as visible as possible, because a criminal does not want to be seen. A chain link fence is your best choice because it provides security AND visibility.
Lock up your belongings:
This includes your furniture, bikes, tools, and other valuable items. Lock them to a tree or a post. Thieves aren’t usually equipped with tools to break locks, and they won’t want to spend the extra time trying to make the buck. This is also a sure way to deter any burglars from breaking into your home. If you lock up your backyard, it’s safe to assume you have great security inside your house too.
Security Cameras:
Get the action on tape! Not only will police be able to track down your belongings if something is stolen, but you will also keep criminals from targeting anyone else. Security cameras typically cause a thief to move on because it’s too easy to get caught. If you add some sensor lights to your camera, you will likely scare the person away!
Pretend you have a dog:
Simply setting a large dog dish of water and large dog bone outside your home (where it’s highly visible) will put off a thief. Dogs are great for deterring thieves, so you might even think about adding one to your family.
Post security signs:
Let burglars know that you take the security of your home seriously by posting signs on your property. If they think you have an alarm, they won’t want to waste their time. Most of the time they would rather move onto the next house where they have less of a chance in getting caught.
Be smart about the security of your yard. It’s something that is highly overlooked, but remains an issue. Help educate your friends and family by sharing some of these ideas with them.
If you have any other questions about this topic, give one of our Locksmiths a call!