
How do I replace my motorcycle locks?

Replacing A Motorcycle Lock And Key

Most motorcycle keys do not have a transponder chip inside of them. While the shape and size of motorcycle keys typically differ from vehicle keys and house keys, they are cut similarly and require the same machinery as any standard metal key. If you are needing to replace the locks on your motorcycle there are three important things you’ll want to consider.

  1. Gas cap
  2. Seat lock
  3. Ignition

Each of these parts on a motorcycle will require a key. If you decide to change the motorcycle lock, you’ll likely want to change all of these locks. Changing all of these locks can become very pricey when trying to change them on your own. There is also the risk of damage without proper experience and tools to do the job. It’s recommended by professionals to call a local locksmith and have them take care of it for you.

If the ignition breaks, do I need a locksmith, or can I do it myself?

If the ignition breaks, it will likely be at a time when you are on the road. In this case, the chances that you’ll have the proper tools (even if you are experienced) are slim. If the ignition breaks, and you don’t have any experience with ignition replacement, you should not attempt to pull it out yourself. There are many ways this kind of procedure could go wrong, leaving your motorcycle damaged and in need of additional services. The best thing you can do in these types of situations is call a professional locksmith and have them come and replace the motorcycle lock.

What if I just need to replace my key?

You’ll want to call a locksmith and have them come and create a new key using the parts of the ignition cylinder or the gas cap lock. In most cases, the gas cap and the ignition of a motorcycle will operate using the same key. However, there are some occasions where this will not be the case. When having a gas cap key replaced, you’ll want to make sure the key matches the ignition before sending the locksmith away.

“I bought a used motorcycle from a company that was going out of business. Turns out the guy who sold me the bike only had one copy. I lost the only copy! I asked around, gathering as much advice as I could. The best advice I received was “Go to a locksmith, they can do it with little trouble.” I didn’t think a locksmith could get a key blank for my bike because the company isn’t around anymore, but they didn’t need a key blank! They pulled apart my lock and made a new key using all the tiny parts. It wasn’t terribly expensive either, considering the predicament. My advice, if you aren’t sure, call a locksmith.” -Anonymous

How long does it take for a locksmith to replace a key?

This process could take anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes. The timeframe will fluctuate depending on the difficulty of the lock. Like all areas of life, not everything happens as easily or as quickly as originally intended.

And if you ever find yourself needing a Locksmith in Tacoma WA give us a call!

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